Authors must be registered by
May 1, 2025 to be considered for a panel.
Blood on the Bayou, Case Closed
Bouchercon 2025 Book Store
Acadia Room, 3rd Floor
Book Dealers
Authors, please reach out to the bookstore directly if you would like your book(s) available for sale in the book room. Arranging this is the author’s responsibility.
Cross Genre Books
Dale Johnson
P.O. Box 122
West Linn, OR 97068
Email: crossgenrebooks@gmail.com
Website: https://www.abebooks.com/cross-genre-books-west-linn-or/2357274/sf
Description: We sell out of print and collectible mystery hardcovers and vintage paperbacks.
No consignment.
Dreamhaven Books
Greg Ketter
2301 E. 38th St.
Minneapolis MN 55406
Email: greg@dreamhavenbooks.com
Website: dreamhavenbooks.com
Specialty store for Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror and Mystery with an open shop for 48 years. We'll be featuring hundreds of signed books by various authors which have been in storage for over 25 years.
No Consignment.
Earth Wisdom
1691 Calvin
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Email: earthwisdom80@gmail.com
Website: earthwisdommusicandclothing.com
Phone number: 734-646-8620
Featuring smart funny tees and beaded jackets.
Garden District Book Shop
2727 Prytania St. Ste 8
New Orleans LA 70130
Email: gardendistbooks@aol.com
Website: https://www.gardendistrictbookshop.com
Description: The Garden District Book Shop (GDBS) is one of the most prominent independent bookstores in the Gulf South and specializes in new fiction, mystery, cookbooks, childrens' books, and locally-focused in and out of print books.
Some Consignment
Level Best Books
Verena Rose
Shawn Reilly Simmons
Some Consignment: Contact - orderslevelbestbooks@gmail.com
Michael Tormey Books
Michael Tormey
306 Southstar Dr.
Fort Pierce, FL 34949
Email: tormey359@aol.com
Phone Number: 772-882-8000
Description: Featuring vintage mysteries of the 20th century with a specialty of books made into films.
No consignment
Spicy Peach Apparel
719 Woodview Dr.
Sun Praire WI 53590
Email: erica.ruth.neubauer@gmail.com
Website: https://spicypeachboutique.esty.com
Description: Book themed t-shirts and apparel.
No Consignment.
Tall Stories
Donna Rankin
164 So Cherry Rd
Rock Hill South Carolina 29732
Email: tsbooks@mindspring.com
Website: https://tallstoriesbooks.my.canva.site/
Phone Number: 925-285-9606
Description: We specialize in out of print First editions, Science Fiction, Children's books, Modern Literature, and Mystery and Detective Fiction.
Undiscovered Treasures
Christina M. Cowan
9619 Pierrpont St.
Burke, VA 22015
703-978-1959 ( voice messages )
Description: Semi-precious, silver, and costume jewelry, curios, and silk velvet beaded bag